Saturday, June 25, 2016

Simplify Your Life...

Simplify Your Life... Here's how:

1. Get up 30 minutes earlier:You'll be surprised how this little addition of time can start your whole day better.

2. Be 20 minutes early for meetings: It's hard to be late when you're planning to get there early, and it'll let some of the pressure off. You'll also have time to smooth out your thoughts and think about what you'd like to say.

3. One thing at a time: Don't be fooled by those around you who brag they can do it all. Everyone has a problem concentrating on several tasks at once or even paying attention to one while thinking of another. Try to prioritize on the most urgent issues. Finish it and then move on to the next. You'll be surprised how much faster and more efficient you are at problem solving when you're solving one problem at a time.

4. Ask yourselves some questions: Stop yourselves from time to time and ask: "Am I making things more complicated?" and "how can I simplify the problem?". Sometimes we miss simple solutions because we don't stop to look around us.

5. Ask yourselves: "Will this still matter in five years?" Most of the time, it won't even matter in 5 months or even 5 weeks. If you find yourselves facing a mountain, maybe check that it's not a molehill.

6. Write down everything: There is no memory that doesn't 'leak' from time to time. The few minutes you spend writing things down will be worth having those things out of your head and memory, resulting in less pressure.

7. Remember that there is something greater than yourselves: We don't know everything, nor are we always right. There are always going to be causes bigger than ourselves.

8. Enjoy the simple things: Sometimes we need to stop, shut our eyes tightly, and then open them again, you will see things in a different light.

9. Drink a glass of water: Water is the essence of life.

10. Kindness is a blessing returned: Be kind to others, and have Grace.

11. Simplify your life by simplifying your home: A cluttered house is a cluttered mind, some say. Try and keep a place for everything in your house, keep it clean and tidy. It may seem unrelated, but a clean house makes us feel good about ourselves and helps us concentrate on what's important.

12. Stop, find and smell the roses: Instead of jumping from thing to thing, try taking some extra time with certain tasks, relationships, work and personal projects. That extra time will give you confidence and help you discover things you may miss when you're rushing about.

13. Spend some quality time with people who are worth your time: time is precious, and you want to be with genuine people.

14. Ask advice from those who have been there: When you encounter a problem, remember that most of them are not new, why re-invent the wheel?

15. Forget about perfection: Don't try to do everything perfectly, you'll probably not succeed. Let go of the illusion of perfection and focus on what you have that is good and true.

16. Take a breath of fresh air a few times a day: Like a smoker on smoke breaks, take breaks to go out and get some fresh air. You'll be surprised how quickly those anxious thoughts can die down while you take a minute to disconnect from anxiety and reconnect with the world around you.

17. Take 60 minutes on the weekend to plan your week: Weekends are a great time to relax and take a little time to plan out what you are going to do this week. Make a list. It will help you remember and you'll feel more calm dealing with the coming week's challenges.

18. Have a glass of wine and be calm.

19. Have a lazy day: If you can simplify your lives a bit, you may find out you have some spare time. Take some of it to relax, you deserve a little laziness.

20. Remember its okay to have those Woosah Moments, tell them your Realtor Tanya Dollars says its ok:))

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